sábado, 18 de outubro de 2014

Information Literacy Weblog: UNESCO consultation on Internet Related Issues

The questions which UNESCO is posing in relation to the area of Access are:
  • What can be done to reinforce the right to seek and receive information in the online environment? 
  • What mechanisms can develop policies and common standards for open-licensed educational resources and scientific repositories, and for the long-term preservation of digital heritage? 
  • How can greater progress be made as regards inclusive strategies for women and girls as well as marginalized and disabled people
  • How can accessibility be facilitated through increases in locally produced and relevant content in different languages? 
  • What can be done to institutionalize MIL effectively in national educational systems?"

Questionário da Unesco (até 30 de Novembro de 2014)



Information Literacy Weblog: UNESCO consultation on Internet Related Issues

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