sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Digital literacy on the rise

Digital literacy on the rise

Karen Bonanno, sharp as usual. reads the 2010 Horizon Report: the K12 edition with her SL and TL eyes.

As discussed in the report, training in digital literacy is rare in any pre-service teacher education training. The reference to this lack in “school district professional development” is really a green light for teacher librarians to get out there and put a school-based professional learning program together for the staff. (...)

2010-2015 Five trends for technology adoption

  • Technology is increasingly a means for empowering students, a method for communication and socialising, and a ubiquitous, transparent part of their lives. Once seen as an isolating influence, technology is now recognised as a primary way to stay in touch and take control of one’s own learning.
  • Technology continues to profoundly affect the way we work, learn, socialise, play, collaborate, communicate and succeed. Increasingly, technology skills are also critical to success in almost every arena, and those who have substantial facility with technology will advance while those without access or skills will not.
  • The perceived value of innovation and creativity is increasing. The ways we design learning experiences must reflect the growing importance of innovation and creativity as professional skills.
  • There is increasing interest in just-in-time, alternate, or non-formal avenues of education, such as online learning, mentoring and independent study.
  • The way we think of learning environments is changing. The ’spaces’ where students learn are becoming more community-driven, interdisciplinary and supported by technologies that engage virtual communication and collaboration.
Professor-bibliotec@rio. Te@cherlibr@rian. E-SchoolLibraries. E-ducationInformationSpeci@list.

USE this report
Some of these trends also help teacher-librarians to have a foot in the door. For example, consider inquiry-based learning and how we design learning experiences to engage learners in information rich environments to develop higher order thinking, creativity and innovation. Or, school library design and developing learning spaces for students.

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